

More on Instructor Made Videos

Since my first experiment in creating videos for my class, I found a journal article that addressed a few issues I'd been thinking about around course videos. Merlot, the OER repository, has an online, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the use of web-based resources in higher education. The Journal of Online Teaching and Learning (JOLT), is open-access and published quarterly. The article, "Instructor-Made Videos as a Learner Scaffolding Tool," can be found in the December 2012 issue (Vol. 8, No. 4).

For this article, the authors specifically focus on the use of instructor-made videos for online courses, but I believe their findings can be applied to hybrid and traditional courses as well. As a basis for their research, they cite several benefits and disadvantages of the use of videos as an online learning tool. On the positive side, they note that 38%  of adult internet users report watching educational videos online, and that number is expected to rise over the next few years. In addition, many learners can attend to video for longer than other resources, and instructional videos allow users to control the learning environment - pausing, rewinding, and replaying content as much or as little as they wish. Also, the visual and auditory nature of video leads to more effective encoding of information. Finally, videos can now be accessed on a wide range of devices, which is especially convenient for students who squeeze studying into work breaks, bus rides, etc.

On the negative side, many instructor-produced videos are of poor quality because they are produced with low-end equipment. Students may experience connection or playback issues. Recordings of classroom lectures and demonstrations may include class business, downtime, etc. that viewers either need to sit through or try to fast-forward through. Many professionally produced videos are long, don't align with course objectives or content standards, or may spend too much time on basic concepts rather than more problematic concepts. 

For this study, instructors of three online college courses - a business course, a chemistry course, and a math course - created a series of short (10 minutes or less) videos on topics that the instructors knew to be commonly problematic for students. Instructors used the videos to model decision-making and thinking patterns, recommend tools and resources for students, and demonstrate procedures. At the end of the term students were asked to complete an online survey about the helpfulness of the videos.

About a third of the students registered in the courses eventually completed the online survey, and of the 32 who responded, 30 students rated the videos as a "favorable" or "very favorable" resource. (Two students chose "neutral.") Students reported liking that the videos were tailored to their specific needs. Many commented that seeing the instructor in the video was important for several reasons - first, it helped them feel connected to the instructor and the class, and second, they felt that being able to see the instructor's facial expressions and gestures helped them process the information and made the videos more like a one-on-one discussion. Surprisingly, students were split on the importance of video length. While the authors had predicted that students would prefer short videos, about half of the respondents stated that they were open to longer videos (up to 30-40 minutes) as long as the concepts were clearly presented. Finally, a few students did state that while the videos were helpful, they were not those students' preferred learning media.

Instructors involved in the study felt that they had greater involvement with students when they used the videos - one instructor reported receiving more emails from students in sections that watched the videos. Instructors also felt that the videos made their classes more interesting and helped hold students' attention. Instructors appreciated having a forum in which they could express their own opinions and thoughts on the other resources used in the class. Lastly, instructors did agree that creating a script or story-board for their videos was essential.

What interested me most about this article was the point about being able to see the instructor in the video. I've thought about this quite a bit since making my first videos. I had heard that it was a good idea to include a picture of yourself in your videos so that students can put a face to your voice, so I did include a little video clip of myself introducing the video, but as I was working on my second or third video, I began to feel disconnected from the material I was explaining. I worried that if I felt disconnected, students would also feel like they were learning from a disembodied voice. Also, I realized how often I use pointing and other gestures in my teaching - especially with math - and while the screencast software does have a pointing tool, this doesn't always translate perfectly. I began to think that when I make my next set of videos, I should tape myself in front of a white board, explaining as I would in front of a classroom. Even though this is a little out of my comfort zone (I don't care for being video-recorded), I think it would better replicate the classroom experience and connect with students. The students responses quoted in this article really confirmed my belief, so I guess that's where I'm headed with my next videos.